Infrared #100- March Featured Skater

Dirty Jersey’s March featured skater is a force to be reckoned with on and off the track. Infrared #100 is a powerhouse Jammer with a hit that will knock you right off your wheels. What made you start derby? I read an article about roller derby and thought it sounded really cool. Then when I heard about a local team that was looking for skaters, I figured why not? I…

March 15, 2016

February’s Featured Skater

DJRD would like to extend a HUGE welcome to February’s featured skater of a month, Thiza Glory #262. Thiza is a veteran skater, but new to the DJRD team, and we love having her. We are excited to bout with her and together learn new skills to take some names! What made you start derby? I was at a time in my life I needed a change and something to…

February 8, 2016

On a Derbyversary…

This morning, on my one year “derbyversary,” I happened to be scrolling around Facebook as usual, and thinking of writing about this past year. I came across an amazing blog that pretty much encompassed all my thoughts already. “How Roller Derby Can Save Your Life.” Roller Derby may not have been the one factor that saved my life, but it was an integral part of the transformation of my life…

February 1, 2016

Terror Eyez #8347

Happy New Year! Our first featured skater of 2016 is Terror Eyez, #8347. Terror is a newer skater, but there is nothing novice about her sneaky moves on the track. Maybe she can examine your eyes while you’re flattened on the track!   What made you start derby? I never heard of roller derby until my husband took me to watch a bout. I loved it and really needed a…

January 10, 2016

Are YOU ready to DERBY?!

EXTRA-EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT! DJRD RECRUITS THOSE WHO WANT TO HIT! Did you used to frequent the roller rink as a kid? Are you always looking for a new sport to try? Are you looking for a fun way to get in better shape? Do you sometimes just want to hit someone? Did you see “Whip It,” and you’re extremely curious as to what that was/is? (Hey, it happens.)…

December 30, 2015

Roller Derby is for Everyone!

Roller Derby is for Everyone! We all have excuses not to do things that are new or difficult, but roller derby shouldn’t be one of the things you avoid. Here are some excuses (in no particular order) and why they shouldn’t stop you: I’m too old. Nope –  folks of all ages play and there are a significant number of folks in the 40-60 yr age group actively playing derby….

December 27, 2015

Pink Jammerade #320

Hello again! Every month we will be highlighting one of our players. This month, it’s Pink, #320. Pink is a dedicated player whose least favorite part about derby is wanting to play MORE! Read on to find out more!! What made you start derby? I’d never seen roller derby before except on tv. A friend on my dodgeball team said his wife played and was always looking for new players….

November 25, 2015

A Dirty Beginning…

     A few months ago, some friends and I had this crazy idea to start our own roller derby team. We knew it wouldn’t be easy, and people and places aren’t always so willing to provide time and space for a group of women hitting each other, but we were pretty determined. So, now, here we are!     Let’s be honest, creating a roller derby team isn’t going to change…

November 4, 2015